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Setup guides, troubleshooting and more about platforms you can use with embed signage
Overview of DevicesArticle for a full run through of the devices page
How do I register a device to my account?This article describes how to add a device to your account.
What devices can I use with embed signage?Here you'll find a list of the supported device platforms for you to use with embed signage.
How and why to set the Device LocationSetting the device location is not just for vanity, it has some very real and practical uses when it comes to content too.
Device ControllerConnect and manage your device remotely, using the device controller
How to update Windows, Mac, BrightSign and LG applicationsUpdating to the latest application is easy - just ensure your device is online when you do it.
What Chromium/WebKit Version does my device run?Devices run various versions of WebKit / Chromium versions for HTML playback. Here we've outlined the what we know about device versions.
What is Device State and how to update it?When operating digital signage roll outs, use Device State to categorise where each device is in the roll out process.
Bulk Import to Register DevicesUsers can bulk register devices using the Bulk Import feature in the devices page. Here's how.
Install and run embed signage on WindowsThis article will guide you though how to run the embed signage player software on a Windows device
Run the Windows app in Kiosk ModeFollow these steps to launch the Windows app v4.0.3+ in Kiosk Mode - no pop ups, no windows notifications, no windows desktop!
Install Flash for WindowsTo display Flash content within layouts via the website widget on Windows follow these steps.
Update Windows App 4.0.1 / 4.0.2 to 4.0.3Follow these steps to update the Windows app v4.0.1 or v4.0.2 to v4.0.3
How to run embed across multiple displays on Windows OS deviceWindows OS devices that can output to multiple displays can be used with embed as a single player. Here's how to set up the outputs.
Logs from Windows AppIf you want to obtain the embed signage app logs on a Windows PC, this is where you can find it.
How to use a USB storage device with Samsung Tizen Smart Signage Platform ScreensTo increase the storage capacity on a Samsung Smart Signage Platform 4.0+ Tizen display, you can use a USB storage device.
Set up a Samsung SSSP v5 or v6 TIZEN DisplayFollow these steps to setup a Samsung Smart Signage Platform Tizen V5+ display.
Set up TIZEN Samsung Smart Signage Platform Display (SSSP v4)Follow these steps to set up a TIZEN Display with embed signage for the first time.
Set up an E Series Samsung Smart Signage Platform Display (SSSP v3)Guidance on setting up a DB-E, DM-E, DH-E, OM-W or OM-K display for the first time with embed signage
Set up a D Series Samsung Smart Signage Platform Display (SSSP v2)Guidance on setting up a DB-D, DM-D, DH-D display for the first time with embed signage
How to enable Time Sync for SSSP and Tizen DevicesTo keep SSSP and Tizen devices time / date up to date, you can sync them with the embed signage servers.
Set up a Samsung Tizen 7 displayFollow these steps to configure Samsung Tizen 7 displays with embed
How to install and run embed signage on iOS devicesUsing an iPhone or iPad for digital signage? This article will show you how to install and run embed signage on your device
Run embed signage in Kiosk / Single App Mode for iOS devices.This article explains how to set up guided access mode on iOS to run embed signage in Kiosk Mode.
Philips D-Line and Q-Line Android 8 OS tipsWhen using Android 8 OS D-Line or Q-Line Philips Digital Signage panels with embed, here are some tips for best use.
How to find what version Android App your device needsThe Android 4.0.2+ comes in various versions to suit the Android device you are using. Here's how to identify which apk is right for you.
How to enable Native video playback on Android.For improved stability of video playback for certain Android devices, enable the Native video playback option.
How to install and run embed signage on IAdea, ViewSonic & Planar Android playersSee how to install embed signage and set it top automatically run on an IAdea, ViewSonic or Planar Android player.
How to run embed signage on Android
How to set up a Vestel MB400 Android 9 SoC Panel with embedSetting up a Vestel MB400 Android SoC display with embed? Follow these steps to get set up easily.
How to setup a Sony BRAVIA Professional Android 10+ Display with embedembed supports Sony BRAVIA Professiona Displays running Android 10+, here's how to configure these to run embed
Known Issues / Caveats with Sony BRAVIA Professional Android 10+ DisplaysThis article identifies known issues, limitations and caveats when using Sony BRAVIA Professional Android 10+ Displays with embed signage
How to enable Native video playback on BrightSign Players and set Video PlacementIf you want to use 4K portrait video content on BrightSign players you will need to enable the Native Video Playback - here's how.
BrightSign XC5 Series - Bezel Compensation SettingsWith BrightSign XC5 Series (XC2055 and XC 4055) multi output players, you can create layouts for video walls and apply bezel compensation.
How to set up a BrightSign player via SD or BSN.cloudHow to set up a BrightSign player to run embed signage. Compatible models XT3 and HO, HS, LS, HD, XD, XT, XC 4 and 5 series
How to change output resolution on BrightSign playersUpdating the video mode (resolution) for BrightSign via embed signage.
BrightSign - Known Issues and CaveatsThis article identifies any known issues and caveats when using BrightSign players with embed signage.
Update BrightSign 3, 4 or 5 Series Player App or Firmware VersionTo use Series 5 BrightSign players and Series 4 BrightSign players with the 2.0.5+ app minimum firmware versions are required.
How to enable BrightSign's Chromium version (BETA) via RegistryFor Series 5 BrightSign devices on 9.0.168+ firmware, you can update the Chromium version (BETA) via a registry update. Here's how.