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Issues with Rackspace Cloud Files
Drew Harding avatar
Written by Drew Harding
Updated over a week ago

[UPDATE: 07 DEC 2023]

SSSP v5 Devices:

SSSP v5 devices are currently unable to download content published from embed signage due to certificate pinning issues within Samsung firmware.

We have an open ticket with Samsung raising this issue, however until there is a firmware update provided with a fix, SSSP v5 devices will be unable to download any content published from embed.

[UPDATE: 04 DEC 2023]

SSSP v2 and v3 Devices:

SSSP v2 and v3 will require app updates to be able to download content.

To update, please ensure the device is online and connected to embed. Then, reboot the device to download the new app.

New app version for SSSP v2 and V3 = v3.6.2

Please also ensure that the URL used in the URL Launcher settings are:

For Landscape:

For Portrait:

For Portrait Reverse:

Channel Received Confirmation:

To check if a device has received content properly, please check via the device edit page under 'Channel Received'.

Things to watch out for:

Although the channel received green tick may be present, it may be incorrect.

The only way to currently confirm properly, is by going into the device edit page. If there is a time and date value next to the Channel Received information, this is when it last received content.

If it states, Not Available, then the content has not been downloaded.

If you have a device which is showing Channel Received Not Available, below are some steps to help troubleshoot:

  • Remove the Channel from the device, so it goes to 'Device Registered' state

  • Once in that state, please publish the original channel

  • Once published, please assign the channel back to the device

You will then see if it's able to download the channel files or if it's getting stuck on any files during download.

If it is getting stuck downloading files, please refer to the update earlier on this article dated 1st December 2023. Pay particular attention to the updates in relation to:

  • Ensuring Firewall rules are updated for new storage locations

  • Checking any media uploaded between 17th Nov - 1st Dec to discover if it's processed properly or not

[UPDATE: 02 DEC 2023]

SSSP v2 and v3 Devices:

SSSP v2 and v3 will require app updates to be able to download content.

To update, please ensure the device is online and connected to embed. Then, reboot the device to download the new app.

New app version for SSSP v2 and V3 = v3.6.1

SSSP v4 Devices:

SSSP v4 will require an app update and if running a firmware version earlier than 2070.6, you will also need to update the firmware to be able to download content.

New embed app version for SSSP v4+ = v1.2.2

Firmware updating:

  • Earlier than v2005.4

  • v2005.4 or later

    • If device is running 2005.4 or later, you can carry out the firmware update remotely via the CMS. Go to the devices page, then select the
      'Update Firmware' button.

Please note the firmware file is 1.1GB in size so may take time to download depending on bandwidth.

SSSP v5, v6, v6.5 or v7 should continue to operate normally without any app update, however if you experience issues with downloading content, please ensure you update the app to the latest version (v1.2.2) and once updated, try publishing the channel again.

[01 DEC 2023]

Issues with rackspace cloud files are still ongoing however we have now completed development to utilise Google Cloud Storage. We will be utilising this service with immediate effect for the below functions of embed:

  • channel publishing

  • device screenshots

  • downloads

  • new media uploads and processing

Files currently on will be duplicated to Google Cloud Storage in the background which will take some time to process. During this time, downloading may still occur from urls but this should not affect the operation of embed or integrity of content downloads.

Due to the rapid implementation of this change, it is possible that you may experience some discrepancies, however we are actively reviewing and working on this as we transition.



As we are now utilising a new storage service, any networks utilising Firewalls, please note 2x new locations below that you may need to add in order to successfully download content:







Outbound from User Interface and Device



Outbound from User Interface and Device

For a full list of the current Firewall information please check the Firewall section of your account or this article.

SSSP v2, v3 and v4 Devices:

SSSP v2, v3 and v4 will require app updates to be able to download content.

To update, please ensure the device is online and connected to embed. Then, reboot the device to download the new app.

New app versions are:

SSSP v2 and V3 = v3.6.0

SSSP v4+ = v1.2.1

SSSP v5, v6 or v6.5 should function without an app update, however if you continue to experience issues with downloading content on these devices, please ensure you update the app to the latest version (v1.2.1) and once updated, try publishing the channel again.

Adding devices to existing channels:

If you want to add a device to existing channel, that has not yet been published since this change to Google Cloud Storage, please ensure the channel is Published BEFORE adding the device to the channel.

Previously uploaded videos not yet processed:

If you have videos that have been uploaded in the between 17th Nov and 1st Dec, that has yet to be processed, please re-upload these to your account.

Channel refresh will not work until Channel is republished:

To use the channel refresh feature, please ensure the channel is republished fully via the channels section since the storage update has taken place.

Media files uploaded to embed between 17th Nov and 1st Dec 2023:

Please be vigilant in checking media files that were uploaded to your account during the period of 17th November 2023 to 1st December 2023. This is the period where rackspace cloud files service has experienced degradation, with particular impact between 28th Nov - 1st Dec.

During this time, some files may not have uploaded or processed properly.

Here are some things to look out for:

If you notice that you've published a channel since 1st December and it has not updated on the device(s), please check the media file uploaded to embed.

If the preview is missing, as per the below example, this is a good indication that the file may not have uploaded or processed properly on cloud files.

You can then try the 'Download Media' button

Which, will likely return a 404 page:

These all will confirm that the file upload has failed and is not usable within your signage.

To resolve, please upload the original to your account again. Remove the 'broken' media from any playlist / layout and replace it with the new uploaded item.

Finally, republish the channel.

[29 NOV 2023]

We are currently experiencing issues with the below functions of embed:

  • channel publishing

  • device screenshots

  • downloads being stuck

  • incorrect scheduled content / missing files on download

  • media processing

These are all impacted by the same issue, stemming from the third party service we utilise rackspace cloud files.

We currently have open tickets with rackspace to resolve the core issue, however we are also currently carrying out a migration to Google Cloud storage to handle the core features being impacted.

While this migration work carries on, the recommendation we can provide in the current situation is:

1) Publishing channel again - this will get the channel files to run through the process again and write the files so if it failed last time
2) Restarting the device - this will get the app to start from the start and check the channel again

We would recommend publishing the channel first, waiting 5 minutes then restarting the device.

If this does not resolve the issue the only recommendation is to periodically try again.

We appreciate this is both a frustrating and critical issue for you. This migration is a priority for us and we aim to complete it as swiftly as possible.

We are actively testing the migration and need to ensure this is done fully and properly before we can push live. We hope to have this completed in the next 24-48 hours.

We ask for your patience while we carry out this work and aim to get embed functioning fully again asap.


Head of Product @ embed signage

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