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How to set up a Nexmosphere Demo Board DM-XN04E with embed signage
How to set up a Nexmosphere Demo Board DM-XN04E with embed signage

Use embed signage & the DM-XN04E board to demo RFID Lift/Place + Learn, Presence/ Proximity detection, Buttons, Snapper and LED control

Drew Harding avatar
Written by Drew Harding
Updated over a week ago

The DM-XN04 demo board from Nexmosphere offers a simple way to test and demonstrate various components for controlling digital signage content.

The Nexmosphere Demo Board DM-XN04E includes the below elements:

  • 1x XN-185 Xperience Controller with 8x x-talk interfaces

  • 2x Push Buttons

  • 2x RFID XR Antenna Sensors

  • 1x Medium Range Presence and Proximity Sensor

  • 1x X-Wave LED Strip

  • 1x X-Snapper Sensor

  • 1x Touch Button

Here we'll show you how to get this setup with your embed signage account including a demo layout example.

Before we get started

Here are a few things you'll need:

  • A Nexmosphere DM-XN04E Board

  • The External Communications feature enabled on your account - if you don't, just reach out to us so we can add it (it's free!)

  • Optional: Download the Nexmosphere DM-XN04E embed signage demo layout (this will give you a jump start, but you can also make your own if you'd prefer)

Install the Demo Layout

If you do download the Nexmosphere DM-XN04E embed signage demo layout you can install it by following these quick instructions:

Click 'Add New'

Choose 'import from .zip'

Drag and Drop the Nexmosphere DM-XN04E embed signage demo layout zip file into the 'upload' section

Once uploaded, you'll be redirected back to the Templates area.

Setting up the Nexmosphere DM-XN04E Board connection

Go to the External Communications section and Create a new connection. Give it a name such as Nexmosphere DM-XN04E then click 'Create Device'

In the settings, we can then configure the communication type with the Nexmosphere board and the device we're using. All communication is done via RS232 with the Nexmosphere board and in our example, we'll be using a BrightSign player via USB (port 2).

For guides on setting up RS232 with the various platforms, please refer to these guides:

For the Nexmosphere board, the RS232 configuration should be as below:

Baud Rate = 115200

Data Bits = 8

Stop Bits = 1

Parity = None

This is what our BrightSign + Nexmosphere RS232 connection settings look like so far:

Now we can save the connection and move to setting up our commands.

Configuring the Nexmosphere DM-XN04E Board commands

In the External Communication connection, click on the 'Command's tab:

Here is where we specify all the elements we want to use. We do not have to configure them all, but for this example, we're going to set up the entire board to trigger content.

First, we need to understand how the board is setup so we can configure the relevant commands. Below is the XN-185 X-Talk interface channel configuration for the board:

  • X-Talk Channel 1 = 2x Push Buttons (Buttons 1 + 4)

  • X-Talk Channel 2 = Touch Button

  • X-Talk Channel 3 = RFID XR Antenna Sensor

  • X-Talk Channel 4 = Blank

  • X-Talk Channel 5 = Medium Range Presence + Proximity Sensor

  • X-Talk Channel 6 = LED X-Wave Strip

  • X-Talk Channel 7 = RFID XR Antenna Sensor

  • X-Talk Channel 8 = X-Snapper Sensor

With this information, we know which channels we associate to the relevant elements in the command section so we can go and add all of the components as below.

Quick Links:

Jump ahead to the relevant sensor Ext Comms config

Push Buttons

  • Label = Whatever name you choose (we'll go for 'Push Buttons')

  • Command type = Nexmosphere XT Push Button

  • Nexmosphere X-Talk Setup - click to '+Add X-Talk Interface'

    • Module Type = XN-180/185

    • X-Talk Interface = 1

  • No further setup required here

Touch Button

  • Label = Whatever name you choose (we'll go for 'Touch Button')

  • Command type = Nexmosphere X-Touch Capacitive Button

  • Nexmosphere X-Talk Setup - click to '+Add X-Talk Interface'

    • Module Type = XN-180/185

    • X-Talk Interface = 2

  • No further setup required here

RFID XR Antenna Sensor (Left side of board)

  • Label = Whatever name you choose (we'll go for 'RFID Left')

  • Command type = Nexmosphere XR Antenna RFID Tags

  • Nexmosphere X-Talk Setup - click to '+Add X-Talk Interface'

    • Module Type = XN-180/185

    • X-Talk Interface = 3

  • No further setup required here

X-Eye Presence & Proximity

  • Label = Whatever name you choose (we'll go for 'Presence')

  • Command type = Nexmosphere X-Eye Presence & Proximity

  • Nexmosphere X-Talk Setup - click to '+Add X-Talk Interface'

    • Module Type = XN-180/185

    • X-Talk Interface = 5

  • Time until Detection (in seconds) = Default is 3 seconds but will change this to '1' second for the demo

    • Tip: you can specify 10ths of a second by inputting '0.1' values

  • Time until No Detection (in seconds) = Default is 30 seconds but will change this to '1' second for the demo

    • Tip: you can specify 10ths of a second by inputting '0.1' values

  • Detection Areas = choose your Sensor, which is XY-14 for this demo

    • XY-11 = Short range (5cm to 80cm)

    • XY-14 = Medium range (15cm to 150cm)

    • XY-17 = Long range (50cm to 500cm)

      • OPTIONAL - '+Add Area' - this allows you to split the detection range into sections where you could trigger different content depending on what distance within the detection range a person is. If no area is added, content is triggered based on detection at any point in the range.

  • No further setup required here

X-Wave LED Strip

  • Label = Whatever name you choose (we'll go for 'LED Strip')

  • Command type = Nexmosphere X-Wave Linear LED

  • Nexmosphere X-Talk Setup - click to '+Add X-Talk Interface'

    • Module Type = XN-180/185

    • X-Talk Interface = 6

  • The colour palette is default but can be edit simply by clicking on one of the presets and changing the values. Default palette is:

    • Click to edit will pull up a colour picker where you can use the slider, the picker or flick between RGBA, HEX and HSLA values to input

  • Add States to activate different colours and effects to the LED strip.

    • LED State = this is just a label so call it whatever you'd like. We've gone for 4x states which are:

      • Red

      • Blue

      • Green

      • Yellow

    • Animation Type = To keep it simple for the demo, choose Single ramp. Other animation types are:

      • Single Ramp - set LED strip to a specific brightness and colour within a specified ramp time

      • Pulse - set LED strip to a pulsing fade in/fade out animation between two colours

      • Wave - set LED strip to an animated wave effect with numerous options and variables between two colours

    • Ramp Brightness = Slide to how bright you want the LED to be. Slide fully to the right to get max brightness

    • Colour = choose from the drop down menu the relevant colour from the colour palette. For our example states, we've kept the defaults which are:

      • Red state = Colour #1

      • Blue state = Colour #3

      • Green state = Colour #2

      • Yellow state = Colour #4

    • Ramp Time = Slide to duration of time (in seconds) for the state to appear. We've set this to a 0.5 seconds for a simple smooth ramp

      • For reference, here is a graph illustrating the relationship between Ramp Brightness and Time

  • No further setup required here

  • Tip: play with the different LED state options and have some fun...

RFID XR Antenna Sensor (Right side of board)

  • Label = Whatever name you choose (we'll go for 'RFID Right')

  • Command type = Nexmosphere XR Antenna RFID Tags

  • Nexmosphere X-Talk Setup - click to '+Add X-Talk Interface'

    • Module Type = XN-180/185

    • X-Talk Interface = 7

  • No further setup required here


  • Label = Whatever name you choose (we'll go for 'Snapper')

  • Command type = Nexmosphere X/XL Snapper

  • Nexmosphere X-Talk Setup - click to '+Add X-Talk Interface'

    • Module Type = XN-180/185

    • X-Talk Interface = 8

  • No further setup required here

Creating the Demo Layout

If you've downloaded and installed the DM-XN04E demo layout, below we'll outline the steps to configure the layout. If you're creating your own, follow along anyway as the configuration we'll use can be applied in a variety of ways to your own designs.

First, let's create a new layout and choose the DM-XN04E template as our starting point - then save & continue to builder:

The layout is a single page layout with multiple zones, structured much in the same way as the board design:

Quick Links:

Jump ahead to the relevant sensor Layout config:

Push Button Configuration

We'll configure the Push Buttons first. For this we have two zones which we've called:

  • Push Button 1

  • Push Button 4

You don't need to do anything with these zones but to help understand what's going on and what we're about to do, if you click into the zone playlist for each one, you'll see two playlist items:

  1. Blank item - set to 'Repeat' i.e. only play this item on repeat

  2. Pressed - Text item with 'X' as the text - also set to 'Repeat' i.e. will only play this item on repeat

As the blank item is the first item in the playlist, when the layout loads, the blank item loads and with it set to repeat, it'll only show this blank item. We'll now configure the button push so it'll activate the 'Pressed' item in the relevant zone. So, click on the Ext Comms receive command panel for the layout, located on the top bar:

Now click to '+Add Command' button and then follow the below config:

  • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

  • Commands = Push Buttons

  • Command Type = Receive (will be default here anyway)

  • Event = Button 1

  • Click to 'Add New Action' =

    • Activate Specific Playlist Item

      • Push Button 1 (Zone) - (1) Pressed (the content item)

You can also click the '+Add Command' option to add the configuration for Button 4:

  • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

  • Commands = Push Buttons

  • Command Type = Receive (will be default here anyway)

  • Event = Button 4

  • Click to 'Add New Action' =

    • Activate Specific Playlist Item

      • Push Button 2 (Zone) - (1) Pressed (the content item)

You can now save changes.

Tip: How do we know which button is what? On the Push Button hardware, the physical buttons are connected to an interface which is numbered - this is the button number. In this demo board setup, the buttons are on Button 1 and Button 4

Touch Button Configuration

Much like the Push Button configuration above, we have a zone which we've called 'Touch Button'

You do not need to do anything with the zones but for reference, within this zone playlist we have a two item playlist:

  1. Blank item - set to 'Repeat' i.e. only play this item on repeat

  2. Pressed - Text item with 'X' as the text - also set to 'Repeat' i.e. will only play this item on repeat

To configure the actions, click on the Ext Comms receive commands section:

Now click to '+Add Command' button and then follow the below config:

  • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

  • Commands = Touch Button

  • Command Type = Receive (will be default here anyway)

  • Event = Button 1 (there is only one button on this touch board)

  • Click to 'Add New Action' =

    • Activate Specific Playlist Item

      • Touch Button 1 (Zone) - (1) Pressed (the content item)

  • Save Changes

RFID Left Configuration

As per other zones, we don't have to change anything related to the zone or playlist but again to help understand what's going on, there is a zone called RFID Left:

This zone has three playlist items consisting of:

  1. Blank item - set to 'Repeat' i.e. only play this item on repeat

  2. Tag 1 - Text item with 'Tag 1' as the text - also set to 'Repeat' i.e. will only play this item on repeat

  3. Tag 2 - Text item with 'Tag 2' as the text - also set to 'Repeat' i.e. will only play this item on repeat

To configure the actions for the RFID, click the Ext Comms receive commands section:

First we'll configure what happens when the Tags are placed onto the sensor. Click to '+Add Command' button and then follow the below config:

  • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

  • Commands = RFID Left

  • Event = Put Back (when a tag is placed onto the sensor)

  • Detection Type = Tag ID's

    • Type '1' into the intput field and then hit 'Enter' or 'Tab'

  • Click to 'Add New Action' =

    • Activate Specific Playlist Item

      • RFID Left (Zone) - (1) Tag 1 (the content item)

Now we'll add the same but for Tag 2 so click to '+Add Command' button and then follow the below config:

  • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

  • Commands = RFID Left

  • Event = Put Back (when a tag is placed onto the sensor)

  • Detection Type = Tag ID's

    • Type '1' into the intput field and then hit 'Enter' or 'Tab'

  • Click to 'Add New Action' =

    • Activate Specific Playlist Item

      • RFID Left (Zone) - (2) Tag 2 (the content item)

Finally we'll configure what happens when we pick up / remove either Tag from the sensor. Click to '+Add Command' button and then follow the below config:

  • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

  • Commands = RFID Left

  • Event = Pickup (when a tag is removed onto the sensor)

  • Detection Type = Any (listens to any tag)

  • Click to 'Add New Action' =

    • Activate Specific Playlist Item

      • RFID Left (Zone) - (0) Blank (the content item)

  • Save changes

Tip: For a Place and Learn experience, set up the triggers so that when a Tag is 'Put Back' it activates the relevant content with the neutral state being when the Tag is 'Picked up'.

For a Lift and Learn experience, set up the triggers so that when a Tag is 'Picked up' it activates the relevant content with the neutral state being when the Tag is 'Put Back'.

RFID Right Configuration

Now we can replicate the setup for the other RFID sensor - on the right. Again we have a single zone, this time called RFID Right:

And just like the RFID Left zone, the RFID Right zone has three playlist items consisting of:

  1. Blank item - set to 'Repeat' i.e. only play this item on repeat

  2. Tag 1 - Text item with 'Tag 1' as the text - also set to 'Repeat' i.e. will only play this item on repeat

  3. Tag 2 - Text item with 'Tag 2' as the text - also set to 'Repeat' i.e. will only play this item on repeat

Click the Ext Comms receive commands section:

Here we'll configure what happens when the Tags are placed onto the sensor and we'll do it just like the previous RFID setup but specifically for the RFID Right zone now. So, click to '+Add Command' button and then follow the below config:

  • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

  • Commands = RFID Right

  • Event = Put Back (when a tag is placed onto the sensor)

  • Detection Type = Tag ID's

    • Type '1' into the intput field and then hit 'Enter' or 'Tab'

  • Click to 'Add New Action' =

    • Activate Specific Playlist Item

      • RFID Right (Zone) - (1) Tag 1 (the content item)

Now let's add the same but for Tag 2 so click to '+Add Command' button and then follow the below config:

  • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

  • Commands = RFID Right

  • Event = Put Back (when a tag is placed onto the sensor)

  • Detection Type = Tag ID's

    • Type '1' into the intput field and then hit 'Enter' or 'Tab'

  • Click to 'Add New Action' =

    • Activate Specific Playlist Item

      • RFID Right (Zone) - (2) Tag 2 (the content item)

Finally we configure what happens when we pick up / remove either Tag from the sensor. Click to '+Add Command' button and then follow the below config:

  • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

  • Commands = RFID Right

  • Event = Pickup (when a tag is removed onto the sensor)

  • Detection Type = Any (listens to any tag)

  • Click to 'Add New Action' =

    • Activate Specific Playlist Item

      • RFID Right (Zone) - (0) Blank (the content item)

  • Save changes

X-Snapper Configuration

There is a zone called 'X-Snapper'

You do not need to do anything with the zone but again to help you understand what's going on, you can see within this zone playlist we have a two item playlist:

  1. Blank item - set to 'Repeat' i.e. only play this item on repeat

  2. Picked up - Text item with 'X' as the text - also set to 'Repeat' i.e. will only play this item on repeat

To configure the actions for the X-Snapper, click on the Ext Comms receive commands section:

Now click to '+Add Command' button and then follow the below config:

  • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

  • Commands = Snapper

  • Command Type = Receive (will be default here anyway)

  • Event = Pickup (alarm) (there is alarm or no-alarm states. Alarm is the default)

  • Click to 'Add New Action' =

    • Activate Specific Playlist Item

      • X-Snapper (Zone) - (1) Picked Up (the content item)

Next we configure the 'idle' state. Click to '+Add Command' button and then follow the below config:

  • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

  • Commands = Snapper

  • Command Type = Receive (will be default here anyway)

  • Event = No Pickup (alarm) (there is alarm or no-alarm states. Alarm is the default)

  • Click to 'Add New Action' =

    • Activate Specific Playlist Item

      • X-Snapper (Zone) - (0) Blank (the content item)

  • Save changes

Presence and Proximity Sensor Configuration

There is a zone called 'Presence'

Like all the other zones, you do not need to do anything with the zone or content within it but to help you understand what's going on, you can see within this zone playlist we have a two item playlist:

  1. Is anyone there? - Text item with 'Is anyone there?' as the text, set to 'Repeat' i.e. only play this item on repeat

  2. I see you - hi - Text item with 'I see you - hi' as the text, also set to 'Repeat' i.e. will only play this item on repeat

To configure the actions for the Presence detection click on the Ext Comms receive commands section:

Now we'll configure what happens when Presence IS detected. Click to '+Add Command' button and then follow the below config:

  • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

  • Commands = Presence

  • Command Type = Receive (will be default here anyway)

  • Detected/Not Detected = On Presence Detected

  • Detection Zone = Any Range

  • Click to 'Add New Action' =

    • Activate Specific Playlist Item

      • Presence (Zone) - (1) I see you - hi (the content item)

Next we configure the 'idle' state / when there is NO presence detected. Click to '+Add Command' button and then follow the below config:

  • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

  • Commands = Presence

  • Command Type = Receive (will be default here anyway)

  • Detected/Not Detected = No Presence Detected

  • Click to 'Add New Action' =

    • Activate Specific Playlist Item

      • Presence (Zone) - (0) Is anyone there? (the content item)

  • Save changes

Tip: For presence and proximity sensors, play around with the detection / no detection timings for your content. Also explore using ranges which split the sensor into different detection segments to allow you to trigger different content based on the proximity of a person.

LED Strip Configuration

The LED Strip setup is a little different to what we've done before. In this case, we've setup four zones which are hidden by default - each with a background colour set that matches the LED colours we've configured earlier. There is another zone which is called 'LED Title' and this is the one we need to focus on for further configuration.

With the 'LED Title' zone, we have a playlist that has four text items in it:

  1. Send Red - Text item with 'Send Red' as the text, set to '10 seconds' i.e. will play for 10 seconds then move to the next item

  2. Send Blue - Text item with 'Send Blue' as the text, set to '10 seconds' i.e. will play for 10 seconds then move to the next item

  3. Send Green - Text item with 'Send Green' as the text, set to '10 seconds' i.e. will play for 10 seconds then move to the next item

  4. Send Yellow - Text item with 'Send Yellow' as the text, set to '10 seconds' i.e. will play for 10 seconds then move to the next item

On each playlist item there are Five (5) content triggers set at the start. Here's what the playlist looks like:

The experience we're going for here is that when each text item plays, it will show the relevant 'Colour Zone' (they're hidden by default) and also Send commands to the LED strip itself. So you'll see the LED strip and the Zones on the screen change to the relevant colour. Here's how to do that...

Click on the 'Triggers' option for the first playlist item (Send Red)

Configure the Triggers for the 'Send Red' item to be as below:

  • Action = Show Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Red

  • Action = Hide Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Blue

  • Action = Hide Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Green

  • Action = Hide Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Yellow

  • Action = Send External Comm Command. Target = Configure

    • Click on Configure

      • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

      • Commands = LED Strip

      • Command Type = Receive (will be default here anyway)

      • LED state = Red

  • Save changes

The Triggers should look something like this:

Note: You don't necessarily need to send 'hide zone' commands to all the X-Wave LED zones in this setup. You could just target the previous X-Wave LED zone that was 'shown'. However, by doing adding hide commands for all X-Wave zones to each playlist item, it allows you to reorder the playlist items without having to adjust the commands.

Now, we can repeat this process for the other playlist items but choosing to show / hide the relevant zones and send the relevant colour commands. Here's what that looks like:

Click on the 'Triggers' option for the second playlist item (Send Blue)

Configure the Triggers for the 'Send Blue' item to be as below:

  • Action = Show Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Blue

  • Action = Hide Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Red

  • Action = Hide Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Green

  • Action = Hide Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Yellow

  • Action = Send External Comm Command. Target = Configure

    • Click on Configure

      • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

      • Commands = LED Strip

      • Command Type = Receive (will be default here anyway)

      • LED state = Blue

  • Save changes

Click on the 'Triggers' option for the third playlist item (Send Green)

Configure the Triggers for the 'Send Green' item to be as below:

  • Action = Show Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Green

  • Action = Hide Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Blue

  • Action = Hide Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Red

  • Action = Hide Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Yellow

  • Action = Send External Comm Command. Target = Configure

    • Click on Configure

      • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

      • Commands = LED Strip

      • Command Type = Receive (will be default here anyway)

      • LED state = Green

  • Save changes

Click on the 'Triggers' option for the last playlist item (Send Yellow)

Configure the Triggers for the 'Send Yellow' item to be as below:

  • Action = Show Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Yellow

  • Action = Hide Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Blue

  • Action = Hide Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Green

  • Action = Hide Zone. Target = X-Wave LED - Red

  • Action = Send External Comm Command. Target = Configure

    • Click on Configure

      • Connection = Nexmosphere DM-XN04E (or whatever you've called your Ext Comm setup for the Nexmosphere board)

      • Commands = LED Strip

      • Command Type = Receive (will be default here anyway)

      • LED state = Yellow

  • Save changes

Tip: When creating experiences that incorporate LED, explore the various states you can create and look to activate them from the content items in the zone playlist.

And that's it...

Now the layout is complete, the External Comms setup is complete and you've got your compatible device hooked up with your Nexmosphere board, it's time to publish the layout to your device to start playing with the sensors.

Note: when the LED commands are first sent to the Nexmosphere hardware there is a short period of initialisation... Once this is done, the LED colours will activate and change as per the layout structure.

Any questions, please reach out to us via [email protected]

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