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Overview: Channel Sync

How to set up and use the channel sync feature. This allows content to be played on multiple devices at the same time.

Drew Harding avatar
Written by Drew Harding
Updated over a week ago

Channel sync is a feature that allows users to specify content to play on multiple devices at the same time. 

It can be used to sync a single zone layout across multiple devices so that the same content plays on multiple devices at the same time. 

By combining this feature with device conditional play and media tags, it is also possible to sync different content on different screens using one layout (single zone) and one channel.

There are a few things to note about this feature before we progress:

  1. The devices to be sync'd must be the same performance / spec i.e. Samsung Tizen Displays with Samsung Tizen Displays (not Samung Tizen's syncing with a Windows i7 player etc). If using different devices in a sync group, we advise you test thoroughly first. 

  2. Intended for use on single page, single zone layouts only

  3. This feature will sync any playlist items in the zone i.e. movie,  text, images, widgets etc will sync

  4. All devices MUST be online for this to work

  5. Channel Sync is a feature by request - if you'd like to try out the channel sync feature, please contact us and we'll be happy to assist. 

How to set up Channel Sync for the same content on all devices

In this scenario, we set up all devices to show the same layout and channel. 

First, upload your media (if using images, movies etc). 

Next, create a single zone layout and all the playlist items in the desired order. Save.

Create a new channel and all the devices you wish to sync. Set the default layout to the layout just created. Save the channel and before publishing, set up a channel sync group. 

Here you can create groups of devices to sync. You can add multiple sync groups so that different locations can have their own groups of devices to sync. Options to configure are

  • Name - give your sync group a desired name (could be location / floor name etc)

  • Server - use the embed signage server to carry out the sync 

  • Devices - select the devices you wish to add to the sync group

  • Primary Device - select which device should be the primary. This is the device that will control the playlist and keep all others in sync. 

  • Save Channel Synchronisation - once configured, save.

Now with this all set up you can publish the channel to the screens and once downloaded to all devices, the primary will take over and the sync group will play the content at the same time.

How to set up Channel Sync for different content on different devices (menu board example)

In this example we will set up three devices in a menu board scenario. All screens will be showing the same layout and channel but with device conditional play configured so that each device will only play media that matches the setup.

First, upload the videos, images etc to the account - in this scenario we have the below:

  • Video 1 - Menu

  • Video 2 - Menu

  • Video 3 - Menu

  • Video 1 - Promo

  • Video 2 - Promo

  • Video 3 - Promo

Add tags to each one of the media items for which screen they need to play on:

  • 'Screen 1' tag added to Video 1 - Menu and Video 1 - Promo

  • 'Screen 2' tag added to Video 2 - Menu and Video 2 - Promo

  • 'Screen 3' tag added to Video 3 - Menu and Video 3 - Promo

Each device is then set up with device conditional play to only play media with the associated tag i.e.

  • Screen 1 Device - only show media with the tag 'Screen 1'

  • Screen 2 Device - only show media with the tag 'Screen 2'

  • Screen 3 Device - only show media with the tag 'Screen 3'

Next, create a single zone layout and add all videos to the playlist that match the tags set up; screen 1, screen 2 and screen 3. Order the media in the playlist as desired (all menu videos first, then all promo videos as an example). Save.

Finally, create a new channel and add the three devices. Set the default layout to the layout just created. Save the channel and before publishing, set up a channel sync group. 

Here you can create groups of devices to sync. You can add multiple sync groups so that different locations can have their own groups of devices to sync. Options to configure are

  • Name - give your sync group a desired name (could be location / store name)

  • Server - use the embed signage server to carry out the sync 

  • Devices - select the devices you wish to add to the sync group

  • Primary Device - select which device should be the primary. This is the device that will control the playlist and keep all others in sync. 

  • Save Channel Synchronisation - once configured, save.

Now with this all set up you can publish the channel to the screens and they have all downloaded the channel, the relevant media files will play on the relevant devices and in sync. 

Want to give it a go? 

Channel Sync is a feature by request - if you'd like to try out the channel sync feature, please contact us and we'll be happy to assist. 

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