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Upload XML feed

Find out how to display data from an XML URL using the Dynamic Data plugin

Dan Thody avatar
Written by Dan Thody
Updated over a week ago

1) - Retrieve XML URL

You will need to get the URL that points to your XML data, the dynamic data plugin will then retrieve the data from here. We have an example of XML data below.

2) - Select Dynamic Data plugin

Log in to your embed signage account and select 'Dynamic Data' from the left hand sidebar. If you don't see this option, contact us and we can add the plugin to your account.

3) - Add feed as a source

You will now see your sources page, this will display all of the dynamic data files uploaded to your account. From here you can upload, view, update or delete any source. Click 'Add new data source' at the top right of your account.

4) Fill out information

  • Source name - Give your source a name, for your reference

  • Source type - Select your sources type ('XML Feed') 

To find out more about the other types, click Excel/CSV, JSON feed or webpage.

  • Auto publish - Select whether your data is auto published to your online device(s) when updated

  • Seamless updating - Data is updated seamlessly without a channel publish (data using images via custom columns requires a channel publish for the device to download the images)

XML import

  • Update frequency - Select how frequent you want your XML data to be updated to your embed account, or you can update manually

XML feeds

  • Name - Give your feed a name, for your reference (will become the sheets name)

  • Location type - Select whether you are going to use a URL or an FTP site (if FTP site is being used you will need to fill out the relevant information otherwise just enter in the URL)

  • Item name (item) - Make sure this input field is equal to the item name in your XML data

  • Include item attributes as columns? - Select whether you want each item attribute to be a column in your dynamic data

5) - Configure your data

Once you have filled out the relevant information, click 'Add Source'. You will then see an overview of your source with all the data. As you will see the 'attributes' from your XML feed are your 'headers' and the 'values' have been separated into rows of data.
There are a few options you need to configure:

  • 'Use a header row' - Set this option to the row containing your column headers.

  • 'Use as item title' - Used for configuration settings and helps identify a row.

  • 'Use as item ID' - Only relevant if you are using device specific items or adding custom columns. This uses the chosen column to match the row of data with the existing row, device and any custom columns. 

Click here to find out more about device specific data or custom columns.

Once you have configured your sheets, click 'Add Source' to import your data. You will be taken back to your sources page where you will see the source you have just uploaded. From here you can view/update (eye icon) or delete (trash can icon) your source.

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