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Search Filter

A little bit more information regarding the media search filter

Dan Thody avatar
Written by Dan Thody
Updated over a week ago

This article will just give you some more information on how to use the search filter when looking for your media item you wish to add into a playlist.


This is the order in which the media items are displayed in, on the right hand side. This order is also used if you set up and use the dynamic media (further reading link at the bottom). The options available are:

  • Uploaded Date - Newest first - Shows the media items in order of the date they were uploaded, showing the newest first

  • Uploaded Date - Oldest first - Shows the media items in order of the date they were uploaded, showing the oldest first

  • A - Z - Shows the media items in alphabetical A - Z order of their file name

  • Z - A - Shows the media items in alphabetical Z - A order of their file name

  • Random - Shows the media items in a random order

The input field allows you to search for the media item by its file name, the applicable results will show up on the right hand side.

Show Folders

If the box is checked, the media items will be displayed within their folders on the right hand side. If box is unchecked, the folders will not be shown but the media items within folders will still be shown in the order selected.

File Types

Here you can determine which file types to search for. So if you wanted to add an image, you can unselect all the other options and only the images in your media library will be shown on the right hand side.


You can search your media library to only display items with specific tags, that you specify in the input field available. There are two options that will display the tagged items, these are:

  • Match any tags - Will display all the media items with any of the tags specified in the next input field.

Example below will show all the media items that has either the tag 'slot one' or 'london'.

  • Match all tags - Will display all the media items with all of the tags specified in the next input field. Media item must have been tagged with all the tags you search for.

Example below will only show the media items that have been tagged with both 'slot one' and 'london'. So if an item is tagged only 'slot one' or only 'london' these will not be shown.

To remove any tag, simply click the 'x' to the right of the tag you want to remove.

Further Reading:

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