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RSS / Text Scroller Widget
RSS / Text Scroller Widget

Learn how to add and customise the RSS / Text scroller widget

Drew Harding avatar
Written by Drew Harding
Updated over a week ago

With the RSS/ Text Scroller widget you are able to add an RSS news feed or display custom text.

Tutorial Video

Jump to RSS / Text Scroller Widget section of video at 32:52 or click here: 32:52

Add to Layout

Select your designated zone and enter the zones playlist by double clicking on the zone, or click 'Edit Zone Playlist'. Click 'Widget' and select 'RSS/ Text Scroller' to insert the text scroller widget

Configure Settings

Once the widget has been added to your zone you will be able to configure its settings. This can be done by selecting them from the playlist items summary or from the options on the right hand side once the pencil icon has been clicked.

(To find out more about these settings, click here)

Configure Widget

As mentioned before this widget can either display an RSS feed or custom text. You select which 'Type' you wish to show when configuring the RSS/Text settings.

RSS Feed

If you want to show an RSS feed, then select 'RSS Feed' as the 'Type' and edit the following settings:

  • Feed URL - Enter in the URL of the RSS feed you wish to show (our example shows the BBC news feed)

  • Number of items - Determine how many of the latest news stories you wish to show

  • Character limit - Can set a character limit of these news stories if needed (leave blank or set to 0 for no limit)

  • Item Delay - Set how long each news story will show for, in seconds, before moving onto the next one

  • Style - Determine how the stories will enter the zone

Text Items

If you want to display custom text, then select 'Text Items' as the 'Type' and edit the following settings:

  • Text Items - This is where you type the text you wish to show. Each story/ item will need to be on its own line.

  • Number of items - Determine how many stories/ items you wish to show.

  • Character limit - Can set a character limit of these stories/ items if needed (leave blank or set to 0 for no limit)

  • Item Delay - Set how long each story/ item will show for, in seconds, before moving onto the next one

  • Style - Determine how the stories/ items will enter the zone

Customise Formatting

Once you have configured your widget, click 'Customise' to customise the widgets formatting.

RSS Feed

If you choose to show an RSS feed there is an additional option, 'Fields', that will need to be set. You can choose to show either one or both:

  • Title - Will display the main title of the news story

  • Description - Will show a summarised description of the news story

Once you have selected which field(s) you wish to show, highlight the text and use the font formatting settings to customise things such as the font, font size, font colour etc.

Text Items

Simply highlight the text and use the font formatting settings to customise things such as the font, font size, font colour etc.

Once you are happy with your widget, click 'Save Changes' to go back to the zones playlist. If you have finished with the playlist, click 'Finish Editing Playlist' or the 'X' in the top right hand corner to go back to layout builder overview.

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