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Play, Pause and Restart actions

Using the play, pause and restart actions you are able to design engaging digital experiences.

Drew Harding avatar
Written by Drew Harding
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The play, pause and restart actions can be applied to affect the currently playing content in the specified target zone.

NOTE: Play, pause and restart actions only affect the following content:

  • Video

  • Audio

  • Countdown Timer

  • YouTube

  • Sky News

Where to find the play, pause and restart actions:

In the layout builder, under the list of actions, you can find the play, pause and restart options:

There are various methods you can use to apply these actions in the layout builder:

Content trigger example:

In this example, there is a content trigger applied to a playlist item. It's applied on 'Start', so when the playlist item first plays.

The action is 'Pause' and the target is 'Main zone'.

The affect is: when this item plays, it will send a 'Pause' command to any content playing in 'Main zone'. If that content is any of the supported types outlined at the top of this article, the content will pause.

Touch interaction example:

In this example, there is a touch event applied to a Zone.

The interaction type is 'Tap'. The action is 'Play' and the target is 'Main zone'.

The affect is: when this zone is touched (by a tap / press), it will send a 'Play' command to any content playing in 'Main zone'. If that content is any of the supported types outlined at the top of this article, the content will play.

External comms example:

In this example, there is an external comms connection set up and we are using a Nexmosphere X-Touch capacitive button.

For help on setting up External Comms for use with Nexmosphere hardware, or other triggers via RS232, TCP, UDP, GPIO or Keyboard, take a look at the
​External Communications collection of articles.

The receive event is 'Button 1'. The action is 'Restart' and the target is 'Main zone'.

The affect is: when the Nexmosphere X-Touch capacitive button is touched, it will send a 'Restart' command to any content playing in 'Main zone'. If that content is any of the supported types outlined at the top of this article, the content will restart.

Device interactions example:

Device interactions is great function that allows you to send content control commands from one device to other devices registered to your account.

This is an action in its own right, so can be called by any of the methods outlined above. With the Device interaction called, you can then configure it to send a play, pause or restart command to a content playing in a different layout on different device(s).

The first step is to 'Load device interactions' - this is in the action list, which can be found via triggers, touch or ext comms.

For this example, we've applied it as a touch event on a Zone in our 'control layout'. Now, click configure on the device interaction:

Complete the interaction you wish:

The action is 'Pause' and the target is 'Main zone' on the 'First Page' of the 'embed signage layout'.

The target devices are then selected.

The affect is: when the Zone on our control layout is touched, it will send a 'Pause' command to any content playing in 'Main zone' on the 'First Page' of the 'embed signage layout' on any of the selected devices. If that content is any of the supported types outlined at the top of this article, the content will pause.

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