If you have created a channel with schedules and they do not appear to be showing at the right time(s), please use this checklist to troubleshoot the issue:
Time & Date on device
Is the time and date correct on the device? Each device has its own time and date settings and if the date and time are different to real time please change them.
Overlapping schedules
If you have more than one schedule on a channel, check to make sure that none of the schedules overlap. Overlapping could be on time periods and days of the week.ย
If you have two schedules that are overlapping the one that was created first will take priority.
Specified start / end time runs over midnight
If you want to set a layout to appear overnight (example from: 22:00 to 06:00), you will need to define two schedules:
Start 22:00 - End 23:59
Start 00:00 - End 05:59
Start times start at 0 seconds past the minute. End times end at 59 seconds past the minute.
Screen off / on schedule
Is the schedule set to turn the screen off? When using ONELAN and Samsung Smart Signage Platform you can use schedules to turn the screen off. In the schedule settings.ย
If the screen is set to off, then any ONELAN or SSSP device that is running that channel schedule will turn off the display during the scheduled period.