Follow these steps to get your Chrome device back online.
If content is not showing, the device will either be off or not running the embed signage application. Make sure the device is on and running the app.
If content is showing, the device has probably lost network connection, to reconnect:
You will need a USB keyboard and mouse for the next steps
Plug the USB keyboard and mouse into your device.
Press the 'ESC' key to bring up the screen below
Enter '36233' as the default password and select 'Quit'
The device will reboot.ย
While the screen is white, press 'CTRL ALT S'
In the bottom right hand corner there should be a network icon, select and reconnect to your network.
Once connected, select 'Apps' in the bottom left hand corner of the screen and select embed signage to relaunch the app.
When your device has an internet connection and running the embed signage application, it will show as online on your account. You can now publish new content.